School is a Time for Dreams


Celebrated each March and April, School is a Time for Dreams invites people from all over the country to support equitable education for First Nations and all young peoples in Canada, and honour Shannen's legacy.

Every child in Canada has a right to quality education, but for First Nations children, this right is not always upheld. Many young First Nations peoples and children do not get the same opportunities to learn or to achieve their dreams as others do because of the inequities in education for First Nations in education. Shannen Koostachin is the founder of Shannen's Dream for safe and comfy schools. She wanted all First Nations children to be able to live their dreams. 


While on-reserve schools are required to deliver the same curriculum and services as provincial and territorial public schools, they are not provided with the same funding. In fact, schools on reserves, which are funded by the federal government, get significantly less funding per student than provincially and territorially funded public schools. This means that First Nations children and youth across Canada are denied a proper education and adequate support because they are First Nations and living on a reserve. 

Ways to Celebrate


Learn about Shannen Koostachin, founder of Shannen's Dream

Read Spirit Bear Fishing for Knowledge, Catching Dreams and/or watch the movie on Spirit Bear TV. 

Complete this learning activity, "When I grow up, I want to be...". You can also share your dream on social media using the hastags #ShannensDream #RêvedeShannen.

You can also make posters or even create a Public Service Announcement and share them with your school or community organization.



Write a letter to your elected official

After learning about Shannen Koostachin and her campaign for safe and comfy schools for all kids, send letters to your elected officials so that all First Nations children in Canada can live their dreams and have access to equitable education!

You can also read Shannen Koostachin's letter she wrote to the Government of Canada!


Host a Shannen's Dream Gathering

Host a Shannen's Dream gathering sometime throughout the months of March and April. You can even host it on Shannen's Dream Day of Action (April 27th). This can be an assembly or an event where students, children, and youth can stand tall and take action by sharing their voices!