Feuillets d'information

Consultez ces fiches d'information sur divers sujets liés aux enfants, aux jeunes et aux familles des Premières Nations.

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photo of various Caring Society info sheets and infographics posted neatly on a bulletin board
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Guide to Intervening on Motions Before the CHRT
Caring Society's Proposed Amendments to the Draft FSA
AFN May 21, 2024 Factum Information Sheet
Canada's May 24, 2024 Factum Information Sheet
Compensation Pathway from CHRT to Class Action
Updated Reformed Approach to First Nations Child and Family Services (May 2024)
Canada’s Information Package: What the Caring Society Learned After Cross-Examining Senior ISC Officials on the Jordan’s Principle Non-Compliance Motion
The Caring Society's Non-Compliance Motion v. Canada on Jordan's Principle Information Sheet
Reformed Approach to Child and Family Services
Supreme Court of Canada Decision on An Act Respecting First Nations, Métis and Inuit Children Youth and Families (C-92)
The Supreme Court of Canada Will Issue a Decision on Bill C-92 on February 9, 2024: What to Know
Spirit Bear Virtual School Launch - Links to Resources
2023 CHRT 44 Information Sheet
Ask an Expert: Culturally relevant substance use interventions for First Nations, Metis, and Inuit communities
Ask an Expert: Are First Nations kids getting what they need from Jordan's Principle?
Ask an Expert: Providing culturally relevant, trauma-informed care to First Nations youth
CHRT Letter-Decision regarding the Revised FSA on Compensation Information Sheet
Ask an Expert: Birth Alerts with Dr. Barbara Fallon, Dr. Ashley Vandermorris and Genevieve Sansone
Ask an Expert: Funding and Measurement Reform for First Nations Child and Family Services with Dr. Helaina Gaspard
How to Access Services & Supports Through Jordan's Principle Poster
Caring Society Submission to Parliamentary Standing Committee on Health: Advancing Substantive Equality for First Nations Children, Youth, and Families through Jordan's Principle
Ask an Expert: Parenting Capacity Assessments with Dr. Barbara Fallon, Dr. Ashley Vandermorris, and Genevieve Sansone
Ask an Expert: Sarah Clarke on the Compensation for First Nations Children and Families
Status of Truth and Reconciliation Commission Calls to Action
Ask an Expert: Sarah Clarke on Stopping the Discrimination and Preventing its Reccurrence
Overcoming Undue Influence in the Public Service
Caring Society Briefing: Canada and Assembly of First Nations seek judicial review of the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal Letter-Decision on the class action Final Settlement Agreement
Nicholas Flood Davin and the 1879 Davin Report Information Sheet
Class Action Final Settlement Agreement on Compensation Information Sheet
Post-Majority Services Infographic
The Legacy of Duncan Campbell Scott: More than Just a Canadian Poet
Information sheet: Committee on the Rights of the Child's Concluding Observations on the Combined Fifth and Sixth Reports of Canada 2022
2022 CHRT 8 Information Sheet
Children Back, Land Back Report - Information Sheet
Agreement In Principle on Long-Term Reform of the First Nations Child and Family Services Program and Jordan’s Principle: Things to Consider
AIP on Long-Term Reform of the First Nations Child and Family Services Program and Jordan's Principle Information Sheet
Federal Court Decision on Compensation Information Sheet
Federal Court Decision on Compensation Child-Friendly Information Sheet (Bilingual)
Honouring Those Lost and the Survivors of Residential Schools for our Future Generations
2021 CHRT 12 Information Sheet
Briefing Note: Bill S-210 An Act to establish the Office of the Commission for Children and Youth in Canada
2020 CHRT 36 Information Sheet
Touchstones of Hope: Community Visions and Laws as a Foundation for Bill C-92
2020 CHRT 20 Information Sheet
2020 CHRT 7 Information Sheet
Arguments at Federal Court regarding Compensation November 25-26, 2019
Compensation Order (2019 CHRT 39) Information Sheet
Models for First Nations Child & Family Service Delivery in Canada Information Sheet
Budget 2019: How does it measure up for First Nations children, youth and families?
Indigenous Child Welfare Legislation Briefing Note (March 2019)
First Nations Child and Family Service Agency Funding Changes per the CHRT
Child-friendly Convention on the Rights of the Child
Key Points from Cross-Examination at CHRT of Federal Officials
Canada's "Old Mindset" Information Sheet
Child Friendly Information Sheet on 2018 CHRT 4 (ENG/FR)
United Nations Human Rights Council: Universal Periodic Review on Canada
Dr. Peter Henderson Bryce: A Story of Courage
2016 CHRT 2 Information Sheet: Victory for First Nations Children
2016 CHRT 2 Child-Friendly Information Sheet: Big Win for the Kids!
First Nations Child Welfare Complaint at the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal Information Sheet
First Nations Child & Family Caring Society Information Sheet
Culturally Based Equity for First Nations Children and Youth Information Sheet
United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child General Comment on the Rights of Indigenous Children
Wen:de Summary Sheet